My week end are usually quiet busy with side hustle work in the cafe or completely empty so I tend to spend quality time with family.  This week end 

I don’t have job in the café so me and my friend Claudia opted for a day trip in a Commercial center near Rome.. I am not going to buy nothing and I hope to avoid temptation, last year is been quiet simple and in the end of the day I’ve bought only a grey/blue navy shirt and a couple of earrings!!!

I have an approved shopping list for all the entire year and I am not going to break it!

I need to reorganize and declutter my second desk, I am going to put all books in a box to put in thrifty store, it is a good method to save/earn money and have more space in my room… I have several books that 

I am going to review, some talks about food, other are romacce with hapy end ( I am a huge fan of happy ends) and other about travels.
What I've done this week? Well I prepared:

  •  all financial documents,
  •  medical bills, charity 
  • documents for my father taxes, 
  • I've slept and I've read a book ( I still have several to read), I had my weekly date with my friend and I worked a lot so this week end I need to relax my brain!!!

I am planning my sort of staycation for this summer and some new event to attend with friends, new experience!!!

I’m going to plan a bake sale for charity in my church…new post is coming soon… Which are your plans for this rainy week end? Honestly I’m craving fr sun and hot time!!

Which are your plans for this weekend? However have aa great weekend!!!
