Today is saturday and I am free I will must work tomorrow (sunday) but today is my day, it is a sunny day and me and a friend of mine are going to have a afternoon of sunbathing,  relax and talk... 

I received so many good news from my friends that I started to think about my job's life, well I choose to stay near my mother and decline offers outside region and hometown, but now I feel like I missed something, so considering that I am looking for a job with higher salary than now, I decided also to think about to move... also if I am in conflict with myself, why I choose it? for my father healt issues and I am ssure about it but at the same time I think that declining some offers in the past I am missing something, is too late at 30 start a new life? I don't think sow hish me luck!!!

Food- in this month you can find a lot of healty and delicious food especcially fresh fruits, when I came back late from cafe a big dish full of fresh fruit is my dinner and I love it... In the vegan recipes books there are very interesting food suggestions but you know that buy and eat only biological and/or organic food is very expensive? well I will must to find a balance between bio and normal grocery....

Fit- I will not be a runner never, while I am a good walker and walking walking since the spring I lose a size and my legs are more thin, now I must to take informations about hydrobike and/or watergym cost, I'd like to do it so I will do gym, and sunbathing in the right way!!!:P

Study-Well I've studied and fisnished the entire book fro realtor exam preparation but from the beginning of entire days into cafe I didn't have time to control so from 23rd I will must to reopen the book and work hard cause in the autum I would like to do and pass it once (considering that every time would cost me at least €100 and I am always on a budget to respect)...

Fashion- for the incoming cousin's wedding I already have the dress, the shoes, the little bag (the smaller I've bought in my life) and now int he next week I am going to go too H&M and find a llight blazer for the evening, usually I wear jeans, tshirt and sneaker, this is been my uniform in the cafe, I will re open the closet and choose some other clothes to donate for charity, also if I didn't buy a lot and I keep clothes that I wear quiet often, however H&M and othe low cost shops are a true temptation (I'm always a woman that loves fashion!!!) 

Books: I've bought 4 and I just started to read the diary about a wedding planning and it is hilarious plus there are 3 books that I'm going to read in the month of July...till the end of July no new books!!!

Travels: well my friend Noemi will be in Rome again after a year inCAmbridge from 20th of June till 15 of July so probably one day I'll go in Rome and will spnd a journeywith her, plus I'd like to visit a friend of mine in Viareggio for a week end but I'm not so sure about it, in my mind I am planning a lot of travels, in the reality I'm quiet busy with work online and offline (and considering the crisis I'm thankful about it)!!!

Well now I am going to have my sunbathing, have great time!!!
