Basically this past week for my finances is been really good, I followed the budget and I also earning some money from the work inthe cafe, to be honest during this champions I and collegues met very kindle person and on saturday night after a lot of years we worked in the cafe, clients asked to our boss if we could have a puse so they can offer us a drink-first time ever-really amazing!!!
I bought another folder to take more organized all financial documents and I choose Red, I don't like black folders I tenf to choose colourful folders, I wrote 2 letters to my friends and on wed I am going to send them out, but this week I am going to have at least 2 no spending days, long walking sesssions with sunbathing on my face and read the last book I've ogh "White lies by Gemma townley"; I asked to my friend and collegue Roberta for 2 things from her craft work, a recipient for cards-I have a tons- and a bracelet that I am going to wear for a wedding in June, I'd must also to buy a light jacket for it but I am going to shop it only some days before the wedding!!!
I met friends for real and probably this week Ill spend long time alone,I need to clean and organize again the second desk in my room, it will must to became more professional, also if I am finding quiet hurting it because I use it when I control my weekly budget and finances but it is ok I remind to myself that I have financaial goals to achieve...
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this is been our drink after the end of our long week end!!! |
- the most I've spen this past week was on; fuel, long week end of work but not so expensive as been last June, however this week I am going to son't use car never, I need to use foot, bike or bus, from 24th I will use car daily for a week so every day I don't use it are money saved!!!
- Today I feel really good towards money becauseI earned extra cash, I didnt overspend ( budget respected) and deposit it into the bank, I would like to have €3000 in savings for the end of 2014 an d am working for it, doing, studying and rewrite if is necessary budget
- Money cannot buy happiness, one free thing I did last week that made me happy was: honestly time with friends talking, have the bath only for me and do a long hot bath, oh yes it is been a real good treatments
- I will consider this week a success if I will not use car and have no spending days, this are little tips for save money and I would like to read at least half of the book I've started to read
- Bad part of the week: well it is usually when I do my weekly financial control, also when I stay under the budget I start to think about how many money I could save if I...however now before to buy items I start to think about how many hours I must to work to afford it, but being on a budget doesn't mean have a poor life I discover a very rich life also without spending a penny!!!
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