italian version I must to confess that I' translated it! I'm really proud of this work!!! |
This is been a very interesting and fashinating book that I had the pleasure to translate, honestly at the beginning I tried to do translation word by word but to be honest italian translation was more gibberrish than my english!!!
However this is a very interesting work, that talks about feeding vices in holliwood and also in the rest of the world, if you have a teen aìor an adult that likes not so classic poems I really reccommend it and the cost is very friendly $1,99.
you can chooce betwen differnt languagee: english, italian, spanish remember this title: the cocaine whores
This is the original cover of the book
MY favourite poem is been
Scènes de Ballet
Two pairs of ballet shoes Were on
the table Their laces undone Two ballerinas kissed Beneath
the canopy of the canopy bed Wet lips tasting wet lips Ballerina
legs embraced Pas de deux In Les biches And La
boutique fantastique Then Ronds de jambes In Le
combat Con amore Savoring the abyss Awaited by red shoes
Accompanied by the Schuman Concerto
If you want to read more buy a copy, it costs less than a coffee and I must to admit that is a very interesting work.
Do you want to know more about the author?
Erich von Neff is a San Francisco
Longshoreman. He received his masters degree in philosophy from San
Francisco State University and was a graduate research student at the
University of Dundee, Scotland.
Erich von Neff is well known on the
French avant-garde and mainstream literary scenes. He is a member of
the Poetes Francais and La Societes des Poetes et Artistes de France.
He has had the following publications
in France (in French):
Poems: 1005
Short Stories: 148
Small press books: 4
One grant for Prostituées au bord
de la route (Prostitutes on the Side of the Road)
Prizes: 20
Erich van Neff’s novel Prostituées
au Bard de La Route was published by “Cahiers de Nuit”
(1999) with a grant from Centre Regional des Lettres de
Erich von Neff’s book of poems Les
Putains Cocainomanes (The Cocaine Whores) was published by
Cahiers de Nuit, 1998. Les Putains Cocainomanes was discussed on
96.2 FM, Paris, 1998 by Marie Andre Balbastre, Poem #45 was read.
A Victor Hugo prize was
awarded to Erich von Neff’s novel Une Lancia rouge dévale
Lombard Street à tombeau ouvert (The Red Lancia Roars
Down Lombard Street), 1998.
Now we're looking for cafe in Rome and in other cities that still have poem lecture's nights.
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