A lot of time friends of mine invited me in their home sayng "sorry for themess", well everytime I put my foot into their house no trace of mess, while my house is a little bit messy and I must to admit that I love to see my and other house that aren't so perfect this mezns that you Live the house(there ia woman that Iknow that has a so organized house that you can be scared also to move into her house), but htis is my personal opinion.
However in some part of the house I would like to have a more organize and less messy space, looking on web, using pinterest to find information and inspiration images I did some shopping for office supplice with colourful folders, some new pens and notebooks but I want to reorganize the second desk of my room as a corner office, now it's full of books and materials for diy/craft projects...
Is a year or moree that i am looking for a good library where I can put all my books, in my next house and firt home as home owner I would like to have a spacious living room where I an put them or a little studio where I can put a nice library but for the moment I am not going to spend money on furnures I must to save and I am doing reasearch for homes, mortages and loans...yes I need save to have a good deposit amount!!!
However in the moent big part of my books are situated on boxes and on Ikea site I found different ideas to have everything organized!
To be more organized |
I'm inlove with those colourful and elegant boxes, perfect for every room of the house |
I use this kind of boxes to cointain my books, I did a selection with books to sell but I have tons of them!!!! |
This is perfect if you are an artist or you work in a kindergarden or you are a parent and you need to have space for material to use with your kids |
What I've understood during all my reasearch is that this kind of boxes/contenitor could be used in every room not onl in the studio but in the bath, in kitchen inside wardrobe...Love them plus i'm in loe with some studio project as the following:
My second desk is similar to this except for thehig part |
Every office I had I tried to personalize so if is possible put pic or try inspiration from this |
I'm totally inlove for that diy project on the wall I wan to try to do it!!!
Now this morning i received inthe mail box a catalogue for home furniture, I know I will spend almost all free moments looking, pinning and understanding prices comparing offers from Ikea to near shops, without missing also antiques market,ou can find unique items here.
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