With this crisis,a lot of talk with heighborhood is about the cost of life and savings methods, in my library ( i have a full library and for my love of book i also have several boxes full of book under the bed) I found  nice book about to save more than €6000 in a year...where you find a lot of suggestions to save on food, grocery, markets and kitchen, those are chapter examples:

1.Grocery shopping:

  • Plan menu ahed ( you know all the week what you really need and dont buy not necessary items- save    €100
  • Looking with attention in the grocry store,usually the most expensive products are on eye height but if you look under or up you can easily find cheaper prices.- save €200
  • Following food season (it's not normal find strawberry in December and they are extremely expensive, came from really far and aren't ecological choiche) - save €150
  • Choose local market, if you have a nice local market you can have a good relation with farmer and plus products are locl and you know where your food is from and how it is did- save € 200
  • Choose a nice orgazination, for example here in Italy we have GAS, that is a compan where you pay a monthly amount a became a member and once/twice per month you receive local, season and fresh products -save € 200
total savings in a year €850 

2.Using the web

  • Discover new products and favour -save €150
  • Find the right market-save €150
  • Look on calendar and start to follow the food season -save€100
  • Learn how to conserve (learning how to make and how to conserve "food converse" could help you to save) -save € 10
  • Recycle and reuse the food, why put in the trash pasta that you haven't finished? it could be perfect for a pasta's frittata and it is perfect the day after,  start to use fantasy and create new receipes- save € 100
total savings in a year €600

3.BE a farmer in your house
  • use your balcony as gaden- try to have plants and you'll enjoy all the process, plus being at 100% natural their taste will be different - save €250
  • use pc and web to discover how, when and what to grow - save € 150
  • Adopt a farm- in some regions there is the opportunity to adopt a animal in the farm and at the end you will receive products from what you adopted- save €300
total savings in a year €700

4.How to cook and save

  • USe the perfect pan for that food -save € 50
  • Learn how to use better the Oven -save €100
  • Learn besth method of cooking - save € 50
total savings in a year € 200

5. Re-discovering grandma methods

  • Re-discover old tricks from grandparents (as create your compost for plant, use pasta/potato' s water for other uses) - save € 250
  • Don't put intrash the food- for example when bread is a little bit hard to bite you can use it for do meatballs and other receipes- save € 100
  • Cook with leftovers-as I wrote before if you cook a big quantity of ood you can create new and interesting receipes- save €200
total savings in a year €550

6. DIY

  • do by yoursaelf your jam/mamrmelade - save € 450
  • Forget the baker and do it yourself your bread - save €1003
  • Do it by yourself your yougurt - save 400
Ok it's true to do it you need to buy machines for bread and machine for yogurt but there are very nice and interesting deals on shops and the cost worth the save you will have

total savings in a year € 1853

7.the cold war, how to use better fride

  • keep a good maintenance of fridge - save € 150
  • use well the level of it (right place for food, meat in the under, cheese on the top) - save € 250
  • use cointainers for food - save € 550
total savings in a year € 950

8. the blue gold= the water

  • choose and buy a good water - save € 100
  • use the tap - save € 300
  • Dont waste it in the sink - save € 50
  • Use pressure-reducing - save € 70
total savings in a year € 520

Following this little suggestions, the book says that you can easily save more than € 6223 in a year,  yes some suggestions are more easy to try, other could seem a little bit expensive at the first time but you can notice difference later, start to think how could do you do with this money?
