A lot of women when look inside their closets think "I don't have nothing to wear, I would like to buy that...and so", when I read this book:
I understood that you don't need to spend a lot of money on clothes, you can have faboulos look and outfit without became broke!!!

Sometimes looking fashion magazine you start to dream about outfits, then when you read price tags you start to be frustraded..ok if you are a celebruty with an unlimited wallet you don't have problems, but if you are human like me and you have a budget to follow you can buy some pieces that helps you in a lot of situations.
In almost every woman wardrobe there are:
- a pair of blue jeans (honestly I have a preference for black jeans but I have also blue jeans)
- a Little Black Dress (LBD)
- a pair of black high heels
- a pair of flats
- a cardigan
- white shirt and tshirt
- a skirt for your body shape
- a trench
- a maxibag
Well you receive a last minute invite for a dinner after work, well with some accessories you can bling without spending a lot of money, for example wearing jeans, whit flat, jacket and white shirt your perfect for office, you need only change your shoes and put on your heels and a particoular necklace so your white shirt will seems completely different!!!
A long white tunic can be used also as a nice dress in summer with flat sandals for day or high heels for night, or with a belt and leggind and bootsand jacket it is a nice outfit for office.
FDring my american hoiday I bought this amazing necklace in blu shades that it's styilish, hndmade and gives a different twist at every outfit I have.
FDring my american hoiday I bought this amazing necklace in blu shades that it's styilish, hndmade and gives a different twist at every outfit I have.
It costed me about $25 and I received a nother necklace that I gifted to my friend Natalya |
A different shoes, bag,sunglasses could give a completely different impression, if you are a good sewer you can add detail by yourself...
Hei I'm not saying that you cannot buy nothing in your life, but only to think better before to buy, my rules before to buy clotes is do some questions to myself: I relly need it? When I can wear it? Can i mix with my wardrobe? I will use in the next year? when I have all yes I am sure that I can buy and I dont waste my money...
What I can suggest is to fix a budget every season, doing a budget with all fixed cost you have and try to be undercost...Thank to low cost brand is possible find really good items with affordable prices, also for special occasion H&M, Mango, Tally weill, ZARA, have great deals aso for special occasions...maybe you have different weddings with same guests so have at least 2 new outfit is a must...but remember you're still on a
Do you have a budget for shopping and clothes? Do you save or splurge on them?
Do you have a budget for shopping and clothes? Do you save or splurge on them?
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