side hustle

Yesterday I spent almost all afternoon talking with a cousin from motherside to ask if i can work on weekend during games camphions (tennistable, karate, judo, etc etc) and she said yes. I worked a lot with her when i was in hihg school to save for drive licensgae and holiday and buy clothes with my personal money.

Now I have a little monthly budget from my job in cosmetic company so because I have the goal to have my own house in the next 10 years since lasst novemeber I am looking for extra income for the moment extra income of €200,00 is from dog sitting that permit me every year to pay for fuel/gas and car insurance. I know that if I'd ask to do more dog sitting there is always someone who need help with animals and also with kids!!!

I was talking with a friend of mine in front a good coffe ( yes I love coffee and talking in a bar is really relaxing for me) and we did some researches to find way to earn more money:
baby sitting-dog sitting
waitress during week end in restaurant/cafe
mystery shooping ( you will not became rich with it but is nice and well paid)

I'm looking for try to manage better my money and save more money is possible!

I have a old car but unluckily fuel is becaming really expensive, so i am using more is possible bike to travel in my hometown (it is a good exercise, eco-friendly and it is free exercise for my body,, no gym is necessary) but to arrive in the cafe where works my cousin is necessary car because isnt well served with bus :(
Try to don't spend also if once-twice per month I buy my foreign magazine (and arent so cheap) and I have a passion for books (one dream that I have is that in my ideal house i can have a library  similar that is in Beauty and Beast ccartoon) I know books arent always cheap but culture is not negotiable.

I discovering on web some very onteresting blogs that I want to suggest you:
those blogs are rich of informtions ans suggestions to manage money also with no so big budgets
I love those for projects and pics  you must to visit them

With this crisis everyone seems to find way to earn more and save more at sametime, which is your method to save or earn more?
