Yesterday I've spent the evening at birthday party of Sofia tha tis my friend's daughter, she celebrating her 2 year, there were a lot of kids and most of them are Sofia's cousins so I had time to talk with a lot of parents and well I noticed that most of them are always worried about summer with the end of schools because they don't know how they kids can spend their free time.

Usually I tend to stay in silence because I am not a mum yet, but now after years of baby sitting during the entire year, I can say that I understood that kids wants freedom for few days then they want rules and things to do, so reading on other blogs of mothers I understood that sometimes is a problem find something nice to do, so I've started a research to understand what my hometown can offer to family that are going to have staycation or are going to have holiday later...

If both parents work normally holiday are in the middle of August-that is also the most expensive period of the year so you must to find a good place where your kids can stay while you are still working...

LA BOTTEGA DEI SOGNI (the Dream's Lab) It is a lab where kids use creativity, fantasy, learn new things, there are also language courses for kids, plus they offer you service also for few hours so if you must to stay alone for some errands/appointments you know thatyour kid in on a safety place. Seriously every time I walk in front of the lab and read the activity for the day I would like to return a child and attend it. 

SUMMER CAMPS IN THE SWIMMING POOL: This is a good choice because kids are a lot, staff too, so there are rules to follow but there is also time to play and swim in the pool, plus campus have a great time infact start at 7.30 am until 5.30 pm so you know that your kid will enjoy it and yes his-her skin will be more darker than your in the end of season:P

These options are perfect for working parents but good also for stay at home mum, but if you aren't still convinced for summer camps but don't wan to hire tv as nanny?

Some weeks ago I've read the Editorial from Donna Moderna Magazine and I found grandmother strategies really good, infact this woman had a militar routine with works to achieve (clean leafs in the garden, wash dishes, bring and cut fruit, make jam,refresh the garden...) and only when all daily tasks were achieved director and her sister were free so as I wrote kids like freedom for few days but then you must to plan and do something together like:

  • DIY projects- I have 2 books from Martha Stewart about diy perfect for every season and I already tried into my nanny's work(decoupage, rock painting, paper's works, drawing, painting, building)
  • Maje jam, this include working in the garden select-wash, cut fruit but believe me they'll love every thing they'll make with their hands so you can plan also to have a weekly date with mini chef in the kitchen
  • Public library: Ok I know that seems weird but Library offers great events and activities to do with family
  • Walking in the park
  • Biking: Seriously until last year in my condo lived a family that in summer had the good habit to go in the centre with bike all together
  • Morning movies-ok you aren't going to hire tv as nanny but if thee is a good moment to watch movie is in the morning, plus tickets are cheaper and usually you don't meet almost anyone and believe me they'll like that cartoon so much that talk about it for looong time
  • Try new locals to understand if they're kids friendly or not
  • BE tourists in your hometown, believe me I'm adult and there are still unknow places for me 
  • involve kids into activities selection believe me they can have great surprises:P
 Which are your tips and strategies to survive to a entire summer with kids?
