This past week is been full not only of work but also rich of good laughs, good company, great food and drinks...

I had some day s off from work in real estate agency so I used free time to sleep late and be focused on some side projects...

My finances needs a little readjustment after holiday, from 1st of January I am going to have a more frugal lifestyle still having a good social life, also if most of my friends say that this is a mission impossible I'm not agree about it, there are so many free things that is possible do together:P

I received several Christmas gifts loving every single items I received but I must to admit I have my favorites:P

During this week I need o came back to work for a couple of days in the agency, the other few free days will be used to sleep and for some dog sitting as side hustle job, every cent I will earn from it will must to cover my weekly expenses (fuel, cafes, magazines, bus ticket)...I would like to became a little bit frugal but I am not going to became an extreme cheapskater...

One thing i'd like to try is sell something on Amazon or ebay and another thing is try to plan and host a nice event correlated to charity, I have a project in my mind but I still don't know if it is possible or not. However now is time to see what I achieved and not during this 2015 and start to plan and set new short-mid-long term goals for 2016:D

  • The most I've spent this past week was on: on Natural shop I've bought something for my mom and I paid it €18 for 100 gr, yes natural shop is quiet expensive, but it worth the price
  • Today I feel NORMAL towards money because I've kept budget under control but considering thst December is one of my most expensive month of the year,I am going to be more frugal,
  • Money can't buy happiness. One free thing I did last week that make me happy was: spending quality time with friends, only talking doing a walks near home, drinking a coffee and spend time doing something together
  • I will consider this week a success if: I will decide and start to work ahead on some important goals to achieve and complete several to do lists I still have
  • Best money I've spent this past week was on: €10 for ice skating night entrance ticket, good night, great moment rich of laughs, very good moment with friends
