Some years ago I was reading an interesting travel magazine and I discovered WWOOF, that i san interesting website that offer a great opportunity to  have holidays almost for free, but is required a little bit of manual work from you. I wanted to do it, but I am still unsuscribed but in the 2016 i'm going to subscribe to it.

Well it is really convenient because you pay an annual subscription that costs €35 and includes insurance, then you look which farm are subscriber as hosts and then via email boths decide period and work.

Let me explain a little bit better because I'm not so sure the phrase had a sense, however, I want to visi San Candido a lovely èplace in the north of Italy so I look into wwof site if there are farms as hosts, then I contact the host and we decide together kind of work I can do to repay their bed ( I pay with manual work), is true I could pay an hotel but experience and add new skills hasn't worth for me

Well if I'd be a normal tourist I'd must to travel with car or train or plain, plus adding the cost of the hotel,  well traveling with train from my hometown I would must to change train 3 times and average cost is €107 so cost from/to is more than €200, hotel aren't expensive but if you have normal job with offices closed in August well you must to know that prices are higher so for a week in hotel you can spend....

WHOA I've just looked for a week on Booking and see the results, a week would cost me over €1000, while with wwoof I would must only for travel...let me say that with €1000 I can plan some nice week end in Europe and still have leftover money in my pockets!!!

Another great idea to have holidays without spending a fortume is Swap homes, have you ever seen the movie "The holiday", well I think it is a great idea but I couldn't be able to swap my house, I am a little bit jealous while wwoof is perfect for me and also airb&B.

Is possible have grat holidays without going into bankruptcy but everything depends from you and your style, what can work for me, couldn't work for you and viceversa.


  1. It sounds really interesting! Unfortunately, I'm not very good in those kind of DIY tasks, but I guess that's great for people who actually are!!:)

    I really like your blog, you have loads of great tricks!!:)

  2. Thnaks, glad to know that you like my blog:P


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