This past week is been busy on work side and probably also weeks that are coming will be extremely busy on this side, but considering period I am glad about it.

I've tried to have shopping ban but  I 've understood that I am better as budget planner, I know that I can buy that book only if I  have already donated 5 books, I'd like to try to sell on ebay or Amazon but to be honest I still didn't understood how it works for seller, also If I understood how to do shopping online:P, I have a determinated amount every month for several areas, for example I have a determinated amount for birthday gift and there are been months with zero birthday and then  3 all at once but I did an average of 2 birthday per month so I know that every month I can spend a determinated amount without overspend!!!

During this past week I've read a lot books that I already have about nanny's work and diy works with kids, spring is arrived but wheater is weird so sometimes is better to stay at home, also if this means that you must to find works that lasts only 10 minutes, 3 yeard orld kids have limited attention...completely different story if you are watching tv, they can  spend hours in front of it.

I was looking some good deal for a Spa, but considering that my birthday is into the middle of week and a couple of days before Easter, prices are extremeley expensive, so is ok if I'll do this gift to myself later.

During this week I am going to have at least one real weekly date with my friend, is good try together new local and new events that hometown offers!
directly from Paris Living instagram

  • The most I've spent this past week was on:grocery and monthly magazine, as I said magazine are my treats and also if there are digital version I prefer read touching papers
  • Today I feel good towards money because I didn't overspent, I've keept my expenses under budget planned and this is good.
  • Money can't buy happiness. One free thing I did last week that make me happy was: Spending quality time with parents
  • I will consider this week a success if I will be able to complete all the Things-to-do-lists
  • Necessary moment of the day: my big cup of coffee, pure energy for my mind!!!


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