This past week isbeen also my third week of my sort of shopping ban, I am glad to say that I am keeping my habit/ritual to have a weekly “froendly date” per week, this past week I had a dinner and a breakfast, or better breakfast will be during this week because my friend has flue. This is a bad period for it!
My friend Claudia wanted absolutely eat the winter potato soup in the irish pub of our hometown, well is true, this soup is delicious...but recipe is a secret...

I almost finished third book and honestly I don't know if I like it or not, is nice because I am always fahinating by letter & co, and usually I like this kind of I must to say that I am reading this book only in the late afternoon or before go to sleep...but writing style is nice so isn't hard read a couple of chapter every night.
I am working on several projects and I am glad to say that next week end I will have some relax ou of town...I seriously need some time only for me!!!

I was walking looking for a bithday gift and I saw that a lovely bijoux shop was open and had nice discounts so I found perfect birthday gift for my friend that is spending her 3 months in Wisconsin, yep she has the same problem I had in summer 2012, sleeping weell, I am been ok after one week and I said her or better I suggest to try to sleep 30 minutes after I asked a tons of photos from Wisconsin.
However after I've bought gift for her, I entered into my favourite bookstore and I am been tempted about 3 titles but then I hang out buying nothing, hurrah for me I resisted!!!

I had a nice and honest conversation with reverend and I am working on this amazing projects, but maybe I will talk clearly when everything will be official. Finger crossed!

  • The most I've spent this past week was on: hair colour, fuel for the entire week and grocery. I've changed hair colour in November swapping my natural brown with red-blonde and is been a nice treat for me and my hair. Fuel and grocery absolutely necessary.
  • Today I feel good towards money because I am spending only that I've planned I'm resisting to shopping temptation
  • Money can't buy happiness. One free thing I did last week that make me happy was have a nice phone call absolutely unexpected and have tons aof laughs during conversation.
  • I will consider this week a success if I will finish a personal project on thursday
  • I am looking for: next sunday, a lovely mini-holiday with friends...
