This past week is been busy of work and honestly after a intense week end in the cafe the only thing I wanted to do this morning was sleep...but in reality I woke up quiet early because I needed to do some errands in the morning.
I went to post office to pay some bills for my mother, then I did a deposit into my bank and I visited a bookstore buying two books, the last for the next 6 months...Honestly I said and wrote that I needed to buy some things to be very well organized for the next 6 months right? :P

I sed my few free time during last week to see my friend Samantha in front a good coffe, ok thistime we swapped afternoon coffee with a cappuccino+croissant breakfast, she showed me pics of her knit's works, are so nice I am sure she'll do very nice things. Then a collegue of cafe where I work in the week end till June, do a lot of nice handmade things and I felt in love with little coloured mouses...they're so nice.

I worked in the afternoon as nanny and me and lovely reveren'd daughter went to Public library, park and eat a piece of focaccia (her favourite!!)

Today at 3.00pm started officially my sort of shopping ban, that will be rich of diy projects, I will keep only magazines and weekly coffee because weekly dates with friends are been a really good habit that I am going to keep this year, for the rest I will not buy new clothes, new shoes, new bag, new books and new office supplies (hardest fields the last two)

... I am working on several project personal and professional at the same time, I am constantly reading and commenting other blog to improve my knowledge of english (I am italian mother tongue)and also to understand how write better quality post content...

  • The most I've spent this past week was on:books I already planned to buy and I didn't found all, one was out of market and one wasn't so nice as I thought from publicity, monthly magazines and bus tickets, till march I willn't use my car on monday so I will use bus...more savvy and ecological way
  • Today I feel focused towards money because I paid all bills, I did budgeting day without big headaches and for the next 6 months I am going to be more frugal from this afternoon I am officially in a sort of shopping ban, I am going to save and use part of savings for little gateway!!!
  • Money can't buy happiness. One free thing I did last week that make me happy was: receive lovely emails and unexpected phone calls, nothing better to receive a message of Good morning and Good night aren't you agree?
  • I will consider this week a success if I will be good to avoid shopping temptation and I will be focused on several diy projects...
  • I am craving for: little treatment into a spa...I sad part of my savings will be used for travel and litle week end out of town!!!


  1. che carini questi topini...adoro tutto ciò che è arredamento e rende una casa calda e accogliente..
    passa da me se ti va bacioni

    1. Siamo in due comunuque dai un'occhiata alla pagina facebook della mia amica Fantasie di Roberta, trovi idee handmade bellissimissime!!!


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