I was talking with an ex collegue and friend of mine that is tech lover, everything is new he must to possess it, well I have a blackberry that permit me to stay connected always also if I prefer real contact with persons...while he wants to stay connecte but in wi fi mode...he has ipad, iphone, tablet, laptop, pc desktop, digital tv, camera and more, everything new is a sort of treasure for him...but luckily he has time to take with me a real coffee-THANKS !!!

However we're talking becaus eI asked suggestion for a laptop that I am going to buy in January ( YEP I WILL BUY DURING DISCOUNT SALES)so I said how would must to pay for a good laptop?

Well his answer is been really honest: Depends if you are a ture nerd you need to have sophisticated pc program and probably you need to buy the most ezpensive model, while for  your habits you must to follow this criteria: shows laptops from cheapest to expensive and the good deal is in the middle...completely agree, infact I've found a nice laptop for a good price.

He asked how much I paid for my blackberry...Well, let me think ...mumble mumble : I've bought it in 2012 and I paid it "only" €150, my friend Claudia has just bought new ipone for  €700 ( or some more I don't remeber), honestly I would prefer an amount so high for travel or for mortage rate!!!
Honestly I am not that kind of person that need to buy new model only because there is new version in the market, I've always changed my mobile when they stopped to work...

Let me expain for me €700 are a lot of money to spend carefully, aren't you agree? a week end in a European capital cost less than €200, with this amount I could easily buy laptop + new digital camera, spend a week end in Europe and still have money into my wallet!!!

Then now with web there are a lot of occasion to save, thinks about
Groupon, Light in the box and other websitea dedicated to coupons (great savvy system), honestly when my friend start to talk about complicated words, programs I tend to ask "what do you mean? please be more easy", yepp I feel like I am into my first day of shool...:P

But hei everyone has personal preferences!


  1. Io la penso come te, dipende un po' dall'uso che ne devi fare!
    Fabrizia - Cosa mi metto???

  2. Io 700 euro per un cellulare non li spendo e neanche per un laptop, poi ancheil mio amico nerd mi ha detto bisogna capire a che ti serve te mica sei una scienziata della Nasa:P....però c'è chi per mostrare l'ultimo ritrovato tecnologico ci spende assai!!!


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