In this society seems that to be really happy you need to have only expensive things, branded clothes, big villas big bank accounts...well honestly I am completely disagree because my opinion is : MONEY CAN'T BUY HAPPINESS...

I'm not rich and also if I'd like to have a higher bank balance, but only to be quiet with unexpected bills, I find daily little simple and most of times free things that made me really happy...

For example since saturday sky and temperature changed this morning for a while there is been a warm sun and I am been really happy about sun on my face.

I needed to go into an office to do some burocracy documents and I am been really gentle with lady in front of me similin, saying hello, thanks good bye and have a nice day, simple education rules but this lady is been really really happy about it!

Then on light I accepted tickets for a circus (also if I don't like a lot it) because they're working and I respect the fact that they spend several hours up doing advertising with very nervous drivers.

I love when me and parents walk doing asparagus research, because it is a good exercise for body and soul plus then I love cook them with delicious receipes.

After long errands tour go into a cafe that openend in the middle of crisis and take a cappuccino, doing advertising inside my friends suggesting to try this cafe (and coffee is good for real)...

I like to walk in the woods and see the first spring blossom, make me happy...
Ilike also take a coffee with a friend and talk for hours....there is my pregnant friend that has a weird work schedule, we worked together in a call center then I changed workplace and we don't see each other very often but every time we talk for hours and it seems we saw the day before, it is quality I must to research a nice gift for her baby, she will have a girl in June...

There is a project 100 days of happiness that suggest you to do a daily pic of thing that make you happy, well I'd must to do a 365 daily pic because I find daily at least one thing that made me really happy...

And in my list there isn't big villas, expensive travel, fancy restaurant but really simple things that usually are the best!!!
